Hi everyone,
Thank you to everyone who presented work last Wednesday! It was great to see what everyone has worked hard on these past few months. Here are a few photos from the meeting and the Schoonover gallery opening:
We will do a documentary screening for this week's meeting on Feb. 8 at 6 p.m., we have a few documentaries in mind, but if you have any suggestions, please reach out to one of us through email or the NPPAOU Instagram! We will also plan to have popcorn along with the documentary screening!
This week’s featured photo is from our treasurer, Ryan Gryzbowski!

We want to see and share your images :) Submit your images here each week to be featured in next week’s newsletter and Instagram. The images should include captions, a filename with your first and last name, and be made in line with the NPPA Code of Ethics that we always hold ourselves to as a professional organization.
A few NPPAOU reminders:
We recently opened our new Redbubble site where you can purchase NPPAOU and VisCom branded shirts, hoodies, stickers and more. Find our merch here.
Our NPPAOU Magazine from last school year is up for sale on MagCloud. Check out the member-produced magazine and order a print copy here.
For those looking to apply for internships, careers, jobs, and more always feel free to reach out to the executive board and other NPPAOU members for feedback! We are all here to support each other and push ourselves and those around us to be the best. There are not many deadlines this week, but we wanted to share a few opportunities within the photojournalism community:
The School of Visual Communication scholarships are due today!! Students must complete the VisCom Scholarship Application form sent out by Sam Girton and return it the VisCom office (second floor of Schoonover) by the end of the day today! Do not pass up this opportunity to apply for these wonderful scholarships that are only for VisCom students!
The Alexia is accepting submissions for its 2023 student and professional grants until Feb. 9.
The 2023 Don Perris Scholarship Internship Fund applications are due Wed. Feb. 22 and must have a secured internship by April 15. Selected students will receive $3,000 to support their summer internship with an additional $1,000 scholarship in the fall semester. The application process is very simple and great to help financially support our ventures as photojournalist!
NABJ is accepting applications for the 2023 NABJ Visual Task Force Scholarship. The deadline for the $3,000 award is Feb. 27.
Vital Impacts will award two $20,000 environmental photography grants to support the development of a "long-term documentary photography project with local communities who are working to protect the environment and wildlife." The deadline is March 15.
The 40th annual Northern Short Course (NSC), NPPA’s annual photojournalism conference, returns to in-person on March 16-18. While the volunteer application has closed, you can still participate by signing up here! We can also coordinate traveling down to the NSC as a group to help save some money.
The Northern Exposure photojournalism workshop is March 31 - April 1 in Minneapolis. Speakers include William Albert Allard and Daniella Zalcman. Friday will be a student-oriented day, with Saturday and Sunday for everyone.
The Ohio News Photographer Association announced the return of an in-person ONPA Convention, Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 9am - 7pm at Midwest Photo, Columbus, Oh. The 2023 annual ONPA Conference is returning in-person to Columbus, Oh, on April 1, 9am to 7pm at Midwest Photo. Attendance is free, but is limited to 100 spots so register here as soon as possible!
We’re looking forward to seeing you for documentary night this Wednesday!
If you have any questions, feedback or ideas for this semester, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us:
Joe Timmerman, President - jt316618@ohio.edu
Tanner Pearson, Vice President - tp099818@ohio.edu
Zoe Cranfill, Treasurer - zc973920@ohio.edu
Ryan Grzybowski, Secretary - rg640118@ohio.edu
Sue Morrow, Advisor – suemorrow@me.com