NPPAOU Newsletter: January 13, 2023
New year, new meeting day, new merch & lots of new opportunities!
Hey NPPAOU friends,
We hope you’ve had a peaceful and rejuvenating winter break. It’s almost time to start the new spring semester, so we wanted to check back in with a fresh newsletter. Since our newsletter had a long hiatus over winter break, there is a lot of information here, but please read it all carefully. There is a lot of important information and opportunities that you’ll want to know about.
Before we look ahead, let’s look back to the last NPPAOU event of last semester, our end of semester print swap. Below is a Polaroid from the print swap featuring VisCom’s newest alumni: Dylan Benedict, Vanessa Abbitt, and our secretary, Laura Bilson — congratulations to the three of you & to our former president, Erin Burk (not pictured), and best wishes to your bright futures!!! For the remainder of the school year, senior Ryan Grzybowski is stepping in as NPPAOU’s new secretary!
Looking ahead to the quickly approaching spring semester, we are changing our weekly meeting to Wednesday night. Our first meeting will be during the second week of the semester on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
Although we already have the day picked out, we want to hear from y’all on what time would work best to meet. Please fill out the Google Form linked here by Wednesday, January 18.
This semester, in an effort to uplift and share the amazing work that you all are creating every day, we are introducing a new weekly photo highlight to these weekly newsletters.
Starting right now, in each week’s newsletter we are going to share this Google Drive folder linked here, asking that you submit some of your favorite images from the previous week for the chance to be featured in the following week’s newsletter and in our Instagram posts. This week, please submit any image(s) you made over winter break! The images should include captions, a filename with your first and last name, and be made in line with the NPPA Code of Ethics that we always hold ourselves to as a professional organization. Please upload your images to the Google Drive by Wednesday, January 18.
As always, here is a list of opportunities to check out including jobs, contests, grants and more to apply for or look into:
Applications are now open for the free New York Portfolio Review until Jan. 17. This annual event is produced by The New York Times photo department, Photoville and Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York. Read about the event and who this year’s reviewers are here.
The 40th annual Northern Short Course (NSC), NPPA’s annual photojournalism conference, returns to in-person on March 16-18. Similar to the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, the NSC is accepting volunteer applications until Jan. 20! “In exchange for your time, the NSC will provide a hotel room (shared with other volunteers), meals Wednesday evening through Saturday evening, priority access to Portfolio Reviews and free registration for the Northern Short Course.” Apply to be a volunteer here.
The Society of Professional Journalists presents the Mark of Excellence Awards, honoring the best in student journalism. The deadline for submitting your work is Jan. 23. Read more about the contest categories here and enter your work here.
There are three open photography positions in this year's Report For America newsrooms, a 2-3 year program that “helps local newsrooms report on under-covered issues and communities by sending early-career and mid-to-late-career reporters and photographers to newsrooms throughout the country.” Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through Jan. 30, apply here.
The 2023 WHNPA'Eyes of History®" student visual journalism contest is open until Jan. 31.
The Ohio News Photographers Association’s 72nd Annual Still & Multimedia Contest and Annual Television Contest are now open for entry! You have until Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023 at 11:59pm to submit your entry. To submit, click here to navigate to the rules page and click here to see past winners. If you’re a resident of Ohio and are returning to school in the fall, be sure apply ONPA’s The Larry Fullerton Photojournalism Scholarship.
The Alexia is accepting submissions for its 2023 student and professional grants until Feb. 9.
NABJ is accepting applications for the 2023 NABJ Visual Task Force Scholarship. The deadline for the $3,000 award is Feb. 27.
Vital Impacts will award two $20,000 environmental photography grants to support the development of a "long-term documentary photography project with local communities who are working to protect the environment and wildlife." The deadline is March 15.
The Northern Exposure photojournalism workshop is March 31 - April 1 in Minneapolis. Speakers include William Albert Allard and Daniella Zalcman. Friday will be a student-oriented day, with Saturday and Sunday for everyone.
Finally, we have a few very exciting things up for sale that our executive board, members of the club, and other friends of the club have been working hard to make. We heard throughout last semester that people want new NPPAOU and VisCom merch, so we made it happen! Please follow the links below to our Redbubble site where you can purchase shirts, hoodies, stickers, and more. Additionally, our second NPPAOU Magazine from the 2021-2022 school year is still up for sale on MagCloud.
NPPAOU & VisCom merch on Redbubble
NPPAOU Magazine 2021-2022: As One on MagCloud
Best of luck with the first week of the new semester and be on the lookout for last semester’s fall photo contest voting to open up this upcoming Tuesday — the winners get their images printed on tote bags!
We can’t wait to see you all soon and share even more exciting news about our plans for the semester. Enjoy the rest of your winter break!
If you have any questions, feedback or ideas for this semester, please reach out to us:
Joe Timmerman, President -
Tanner Pearson, Vice President -
Zoe Cranfill, Treasurer -
Ryan Grzybowski, Secretary -
Sue Morrow, Advisor –